• About Me

    Hello. My name is Brian and I'm a blues harp player and lover of all things blues. I had a lot of people tell me that I should write a blog about blues music, so here it is. I also love to cook, and like the blues, cooking speaks from your soul. As Emeril Lagasse says, "it's a food of love thang". So every once in a while, I might talk about great restaurants too. But be sure both the food and the music will both be rather tasty!

The Amazing Kim Wilson

Anyone who has ever seen Kim Wilson with his blues band will be familiar with this song.  Kim does this song live and during his solo, the band goes off stage for a little break so it’s just Kim and the drummer.  I’ve always heard that a sign of a great harp player is to be able to just play and let the music flow from your soul, and this is what Kim does with this song.  He never ceases to amaze me, I wonder how much I have to practice to get to his level?  Never gonna happen.

I’ve always loved how the old guys(Cotton, Little Walter, Big Walter, George Smith) would weave common songs into their solos, and Kim carries on this tradition.  Can anyone guess the song he throws in?

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